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Fundisa for Change Teaching Green Economy and Entrepreneurship Course

Fundisa for Change Teaching Green Economy and Entrepreneurship Course

Fundisa for Change Teaching Green Economy and Entrepreneurship Course

About This Course

Welcome to the Fundisa for Change Teaching Green Economy and Entrepreneurship Course. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) “empowers (teachers and) learners to take informed decisions and responsible actions for environmental integrity, economic viability and a just society, for present and future generations, while respecting cultural diversity” (UNESCO, 2019) .While it is very easy to pursue economic growth without thinking about its impact on the environment, our current reality is that climate change has become a global concern. In view of this challenge, the need to understand the notions of sustainability, green economy and green entrepreneurship, and how to integrate these into the South African school curriculum is an imperative. High school commerce subjects (Accounting, Business Studies and Economics) are viable curricula in which these notions could be better introduced and integrated. Specifically, Economic and Management Sciences (EMS) (Grades 7-9) and Business Studies (Grades 10-12) are identified as school subjects that present the opportunity to integrate Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

In This Course You Will Learn

Capacity building and support

What is the green economy

Green entrepreneurship

What is education for sustainable development

Capacity building and support

What is the green economy

Green entrepreneurship

What is education for sustainable development

Meet the Team

Dr Presha Ramsarup

Dr Presha Ramsarup

Dr Emmanuel Ojo

Dr Emmanuel Ojo

Mrs Danel Kruger

Mrs Danel Kruger

Prof Eureta Rosenberg

Prof Eureta Rosenberg

Who We Work With

Rhodes University
fundisa for change
North-West University
Green Matter
green skills