The Green Skills programme was developed to address the ad hoc and inadequate development of skills for environmental sustainability, that was identified before and during the development of DEA’s Environmental Sector Skills Plan. Green Skills aims to build the capacity of national skills planning and provisioning role players to integrate ‘green skills’ in mainstream systems. The programme does this through:
- A national coordination role (communications and fostering collaboration)
- Building green skills planning capacity with Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs), the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), employers, researchers and others
- Producing and piloting tools for green skills analysis and planning in South Africa and supporting their integration into workplaces, SETAs and the national system, and
- Developing information for career guidance and training provider curriculum development.
The current Green Skills courses are:
EWSETA Water, Energy and Learning Course 2021
Training of Trainers: Introductory Course
Teaching Green Economy and Entrepreneurship Course – EMS and Business Studies
Teaching Green Economy and Entrepreneurship Course – EMS
Teaching Green Economy and Entrepreneurship Course – Business Studies